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Seminar & Congress Hotels

The city of Lucerne and the surrounding regions offer a wide range of first-class hotels that are ideal for events of all kinds. Select the region you are interested in below or use the filter criteria in the general overview.

All Seminar & Congress Hotels

Here you can find a complete list of the seminar & congress hotels in Lucerne and the Lake Lucerne Region.

Explore all Seminar & Congress Hotels

Interested in a seminar or congress?

We will advise you competently and free of charge on all aspects of your event in the Lucerne-Lake Lucerne Region. Get in touch with us!

Venue Finder

Are you looking for the perfect location or hotel for your event in Central Switzerland? You are at the right place then. The venue finder powered by the Lucerne Convention Bureau has been created to help you find exactly what you are looking for.