Incentive ideas

The Lucerne-Lake Lucerne region offers ideal conditions for your incentive. Discover the various program options below as inspiration for two, three or five days and let yourself be enchanted by the city of Lucerne, the Lake Lucerne and the numerous mountains. Do you need more ideas?

Arrival and transportation

Whether by train every half hour from Zurich, in an hour from Zurich and Basel airports, by boat or via the A2 and A4 highways - here you can travel quickly and conveniently. Take advantage of the short distances in our region and discover exciting places easily by car, train, bus or boat. Just imagine: A cable car ride in the mountains in the morning, a delicious meal by the lake at lunchtime and a shopping tour in the city in the afternoon - all in just one day.

Plan an event

You can find further inspiration in our “Planning an event” section. Discover many great supporting programs, exceptional locations, excursion destinations and restaurants for your incentive.

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The Lucerne Convention Bureau keeps you up to date with the latest news on hotels, congresses, conferences, meetings and incentives. The newsletter is published every two months and invites you to exclusive events.